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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

De-stress & Enjoy Life // Raw Skincare

Stress is probably the one thing that most people can say they have experienced in their lives. It is not an enjoyable emotion and can lead to anxiety and depression... and break outs.

Now we have met numerous people who have said they experience breakouts when they are stressed- this can be due to hormonal changes and it is not fun. You then start to stress out that stress will give you spots which makes you more stressed which gives you more spots and the cycle just keeps going... *big sigh* 

Relaxation in a Warm Bath  #MySleepSerenitySo we thought we would give you some top tips on how to prevent stress from ruining your day and your skin. 

1. Take time out- Set time aside for you. Maybe just before bed so you can really try and relax before you go to sleep. Make sure you turn off your phone- how many times have you gone onto twitter, facebook, instagram and something has really wound you up or stressed you out? Take a nice relaxing bath, with some calming music and a good book (the paper kind) put down the electronics!

2. Eat right- Make sure you are eating foods that are packed full of vitamins and nutrients. Eating fish, nuts, green veg & even some cheeky dark chocolate will help boost your mood, your immune system and your overall health.

3. Exercise- get those mood elevating endorphins into your blood stream. Even light exercise such as a brisk walk, gentle swim or a cheeky jog will help eliminate that stress.

So don't let stress get you or your skin down. Let us know your top stress busting tips in the comments below. We love trying new ways to relax!

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Monday, 17 February 2014

Cake For Breakfast? // Raw Skincare

We know how difficult it can be to try and have a wholesome, healthy breakfast. So we wanted to share with you a little recipe for an amazing breakfast that you will love to eat, but your skin will love too. 

Mug Cake
Nom Nom Nom, I am now feeling hungry just thinking about this.

Cake Recipe:
15g Coconut Flour
15g Oats 
1 Egg
50ml Almond Milk

Blend and mix all ingredients together until it become a smooth paste.
Put the mixture into a microwave safe container and put into the microwave for 1minute 30seconds.

Whilst that is cooking you can make the topping:
50g Greek Yoghurt / Soy yoghurt
50g Berries

Mix together until you get the consistency you are after. Once you have plated up your mug cake, pour the berry yoghurt on top and hey presto, you are having a healthy cake for breakfast! 

It has no extra sugar added, and you still get a sweet kick from the berries. Your skin will love this too, so seriously, what are you waiting for? 

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Friday, 14 February 2014

Happy Valentines Day // Raw Skincare

You Are Beautiful
We Just Wanted To Tell You That!!
Whether or not you have a Valentine this year does not matter because we are hear to tell each and every one of you how amazingly beautiful you all are, inside and out!!

So here are our presents for you 
Valentine Roses
Because everyone deserves roses on Valentines Day

Valentine Chocolate <3 아라비안카지노 http://long17.com 아라비안카지노아라비안카지노아라비안카지노아라비안카지노아라비안카지노아라비안카지노아라비안카지노아라비안카지노아라비안카지노
Any excuse for chocolate is a good excuse

Strawberries dipped in chocolate
More chocolate, but with fruit, so its ok. Right!?!

This is just so stinking adorable
And EXTRA big kisses for you all!

Be Our Valentine? 

Happy Valentines Day You Beautiful Lot!!!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

The Ultimate Pamper Night // Raw Skincare

Tomorrow is Valentines Day, so if you have a hot date tomorrow, why not take this evening off, to relax and pamper yourself to ensure you feel 100% as beautiful as you are? 

Yes, tempted? Ok, we have devised a itinerary for you to follow and enjoy to leave you feeling calm and relaxed before the big date! If you don't have a big date tomorrow night, why not enjoy this pamper evening tomorrow instead and love yourself whilst doing it!

1. Run a lovely warm bath- add small amount of Repair & Revive body butter to running bath water and allow the fragrance of Lavender and Cypress Oil relax you into oblivion *ahhhh* why not put on some super relaxing music to really get you into the chill out zone. 
Right now I am in the bathtub on my kindle having a pamper morning! So relaxing. Go on youtube, listen to  calming music or sounds, light a candle, throw in some bubbles, and i put christmas lights where the shower curtain is so i could turn off the light. -Zoe R.

2. Moisturise- Once you have had a good long soak, pat yourself dry gently, and whilst your skin is still warm, apply your favourite body butter. You skin will absorb the goodness easier after a good ol' soak. Put on some comfy Jim Jams (or PJ's, what ever you like to call them) and relax and unwind. 

3. Hair care- Now you are all dry and snug in your PJ's with your body being nourished and moisturised by our body butter, its time to sort the hair. Hopefully it will have dried partially in a towel by now. Use the towel to squeeze off the excess water that is remaining (the less heat you have to use to dry your hair the better). So now you have two options- either add a couple of drops of Argan oil to your finger tips and run through the ends of your hair and dry on a low heat setting. Or, squeeze out a bit more oil and rub your hands from the scalp all the way to the ends. This is a more intensive treatment which will need to be washed out in the morning. 
3 Tips For Growing Healthy Long Hair As Quickly As Possible | PinTutorials

4. Now you have sorted your hair, it is time to relax with a nice cup of herbal tea (make sure it is caffeine free or you won't get a nice relaxing sleep) now read a good book or listen to some music before you head off to the land of nod. It is best to avoid watching TV just before bed time as it can disturb your sleep. 

5. Night night. 

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

DIY Exfoliator // Raw Skincare

Exfoliation is a must to keep your skin looking fabulously glowing. So we thought we would teach you how to make your own. 
Step 1- Grab some brown sugar, preferably the fair trade version if you can afford it, although any kind of granulated sugar will do. 

Step 2- Measure out about 50g of sugar and keep in a small, shower ready contain

Step 3- Take a couple of drops of Raw concentrate and mix in with the sugar. 

Step 4- Take a nice warm shower and wash all over- Once you have almost finished your shower, turn the water down/off and grab your pot of sugar scrub. Now gently massage onto the area of skin desired and in small circular motions and leave on your skin for 5 minutes to allow the oils to sink in. 

Step 5- Rinse down and ensure you have washed away the sugar granules (don't worry they dissolve in water so won't block your drains). If you want to use a soap to remove the oil you can, however leaving it on will be super beneficial for your skin. Simply pat down, and Voilà! Super soft, scrummy skin! The one good use of sugar for skincare.

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Love Is All You Need // Raw Skincare

This week, there is a definite theme going on with our blogs, Yesterday was chocolate, today is love... what will tomorrow bring *come back tomorrow to find out*

Love is great, especially when you can share it with someone else. But the best kind of love is the love you have for yourself. Now we aren't talking about the "I am the best thing since sliced bread" kind of loving your self (that's not a great kind of love). We are talking about the kind of Love that means you accept who you are, that you are happy with the person you have become, and you can accept the fact that you don't look like Cara D *swoons* 
LOVE YOURSELF ·        «Quiero estar libre de juicios críticos de mí mismo y de los demás», ·        “Quiero que mi compulsión a 'cargarme' a los demás desaparezca totalmente», ·         «Quiero que el hábito de mi mente de utilizar un lenguaje negativo y crítico se disipe fácilmente»,

The beauty industry is one that helps creates images of girls who are "perfect" and causes self doubt and self loathing when it becomes impossible to recreate those looks. 

We wanted to tell you now, that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
No matter what your size, skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, nose shape, eyebrow shape, nail length, booty size, sexual orientation, job, education or any other insignificant factor that may affect how you feel about your self. It doesn't matter. 
You really are beautiful.

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Monday Just Got Better // Raw Skincare

Trying to cut down on Sugar is tough! Like, seriously tough, especially when you have a serious addiction to Chocolate.

So this morning, whilst pondering how I can eat chocolate whilst not ingesting a tonne of very unwanted sugar (my skin would hate me so much) I came across this and fell in love with it!

Happy Monday #chocolatelover

HOORAY!!! Chocolate is a Salad!! My misery is finally put to an end! *Runs for the nearest bar of chocolate available*

We all love to eat chocolate, I have no doubt about that, but we also love to rub in into our skin!! 

Wait, what?

Cocoa Butter comes from the Cocoa Bean. It is a very solid, pale yellow/ cream colour that has amazing properties for the skin. It is INCREDIBLY moisturising and smells amazing. 

This has to be one of our favourite ingredients, especially as you can eat the stuff too!! It's true!

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Our Ingredients- Rose Hip Oil // Raw Skincare

One of our very favourite ingredients has to be rose hip oil!
It is an incredible ingredients which has some amazing qualities including scar and blemish reductions, and is also a powerful antioxidant. 
Dog rose oil cold pressed available.
The rose hip oil we use is Organic and cold pressed which means that none of its wonderful properties are destroyed through heat extraction. 

This oil, is a very deep orange colour, and is quite thick in comparison to a lot of oils. It can be applied pure or diluted in other oils.

We use this amazing oil in our Raw Concentrate skin serum. Which we recommend as a brilliant night time oil for your face and body. It can be used before application of make-up too, just ensure you leave at least 30minutes for the oil to be fully absorbed. 1-2 drops will be sufficient as it is packed full of amazing oils. 

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Valentines Day // Raw Skincare

So Valentines Day is almost upon us! Guys, it is time to pull your fingers out and sort your girl out with a killer present/s. 
So why not treat her to a relaxing face mask, some beautifully calming body butter (which can double as the perfect massage oil *kinky*) and to top it all off some amazingly wonderful lip balms that are not only going to give her gorgeously kissable lips (and you as well) but it will also score you some amazing brownie points! 
And what is the best part of all of this? You can find all of these amazing things, in one place- www.raw-skincare.co.uk

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Berry Nice // Raw Skincare

It may be a bit early for berries in England, but spring is just around the corner, we hope. *looks out the window and sees grey skies and rain*. 
Berries are fantastic not only because of their amazing taste and smell, they are also packed full of anti-oxidants and vitamins that your body loves and are going to care for you from the inside out!
So switch up your chocolate bar, packed full of processed sugars which aren't great for your body or your skin. And choose a natural sugar hit that is packed full of fantastic vitamins and nutrients that will be beneficial to your health!

me gusta!
Berries are best if they are fresh and organic- however if you can't get them at certain times of the year, pop in to your local farmers market, or store and see if you can buy them frozen. 

Why not add them to your morning porridge to give it some extra flavour and sweetness?

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Monday, 3 February 2014

Sick Day Survival // Raw Skincare

Winter is the time for flu, chest infections, head aches, coughs, sneezes and the list keeps going! So here is our sick day survival guide, just in case you are in need of some tlc. 

Now if you are being sick and struggling to keep food down *hugs* it is important to stay hydrated! Sip cool water regularly, don't try to down a glass in one go as you may end up bringing it straight back up again! The idea is to get the water into your system to help your body fight the bug! We personally find it is also better to bring something up when you are sick rather than just retching *even bigger hugs*.

Eight glasses of water a day: You've read it, heard it, suggested it to a friend even, but do you follow this faithful advice daily? The number is actually less important than the concept of keeping your body hydrated all day long. This helps to flush out bad toxins, yes, but also keeps skin dewy and hydrated from the inside out.

If you can handle a bit more than water then that is a bonus! You want to try and help your body fight the nasty infection / bug / virus and give it the energy to do so. A personal favourite of ours is lemon, honey and ginger in hot water! This will give your body carbohydrates in the form of fruit and natural sugar so you are getting the much needed nutrients into your body. If you have a sore throat, or chesty cough, the honey and lemon have fantastic soothing properties and is a big winner in our books for a sick day drink. Make sure you are buying honey in its natural state, one that has not been heat treated or had sugar syrup added to bulk it out. This will not be as beneficial as the raw, natural stuff!

honing met citroen

Sleep, Glorious Sleep. Sleeping, Napping, Snoozing, you name it we love it! Not only does napping not only seem to be increasingly popular with everyone, or everyone in my age group (20's) but it is also a great way to regenerate your body. Sleeping when you are ill is a bonus as it gives your body the rest it needs to fight! But some times when you are ill, it is difficult to fall asleep. Other than taking sleeping pills which I prefer to try and avoid (It always makes me feel majorly groggy when I wake up which I hate) why not take a hot bath with lavender oil?  
How to harvest and dry English Lavender plus project tutorials and recipes on how to use it.
Lavender helps to relax and calm the body and mind which is what we need to help aid sleep. If you can't get hold of lavender flowers, simply use our Repair and Revive Body Butter and add a small amount to your bath which will then smell beautifully of relaxing lavender and Cypress Oil. Both fantastically calming! If you don't feel like soaking in the tub, gently massage a pea sized amount into your temples. Voilà. 

And finally, if you can manage food, a classic sick day wouldn't be complete without the customary, tomato soup!
Dreamy Vegan Tomato Soup

Easy to swallow, tasty, full of all vitamins and nutrition that your body needs, it keeps you warm and it is easy to swallow when you have a sore throat! Definitely on our list of sick day survival needs!

If you are having a sick day, we hope you feel much better soon. Let us know what you do on your sick days and what helps you out the most!

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth. 

*Disclaimer-  Information in this blog is not professional medical advice, remember if you are feeling ill, always consult your doctor. These are just extra tips and tricks, to help make you feel a little bit more like you. 

Friday, 31 January 2014

Food Of The Week // Raw Skincare

Last week we introduced food of the week. A way for us to give you great foods to munch on that will help your skin look amazing.

This week we are dedicating our food of the week to Peppermint. Now, you may not want to eat peppermint leaves just on their own, but they are fantastic in Tea!! Nom nom nom. 

Pepper mint is known to calm, relax and de-stress, which if you get stress related acne flare-ups which are very common, this could be your perfect ingredient. Peppermint is not only great at helping to relieve stress and calm you, but it is also great at aiding with digestion. So all in all this product is the perfect partner, try switching your regular drink for a peppermint tea and see if it works for you!

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Got Milk? // Raw Skincare

If you suffer with acne, you may already be aware of the affects dairy products can have on your skin. However, if you are not, listen up.

If you have severe acne, or acne that flares up occasionally, then you may want to start cutting down on the amount of dairy products you consume. Dairy can cause inflammation, not just on your skin, but in your body too. When a spot rears its ugly head, you will know that it is there, it becomes inflamed, sore and red. Avoiding foods that can aid inflammation may help to reduce the appearance of spots when they do decide to make a visit. 

Try switching your dairy products for soy alternatives or almond alternatives. They will also be great for your health too. 

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Our Ingredients- Cypress Oil // Raw Skincare

Cypress Oil is a fresh and clear smelling essential oil which we use in our Repair and Revive body butters.
It has amazingly calming and relaxing properties which is great for easing tension in muscles and helping to relax and calm the mind. This essential oil is also fantastic for helping circulation too. 

Cypress oil is extracted from the needles and twigs of young branches from the perennial tree by steam distillation.

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Dry Skin Tips // Raw Skincare

If winter wasn't already getting your down with its grey cold, brrrrrr-ness, you aren't going to be loving it any more when it starts to dry out your skin. *Wishes Upon A Star It Was Summer Already*

It looks like my wish did not come true and we are still freezing our butts off. So here is a few really quick tips on how to handle your dry skin this winter. 

  • Moisturise more- as soon as you go outside in the cold your skin can start to dry, when you put the heating on, your skin will dry out basically anything you do is going to cause a bit of drying which sucks. So make sure you moisturise more than before. We strongly recommend our body butters- although we should have called them "hug in a jar". 
  • Don't over exfoliate- It can be tempting to try and exfoliate all that dead skin away but if you do it too much you will just damage the new skin cells underneath which will leave your skin feeling sore and irritated. Exfoliate 1-2 a week and make sure you follow step 1- KEEP MOISTURISING.
  • No HOT showers/baths- too hot a bath shower can leave your skin vulnerable and can cause your skin to loose moisture. It is tempting, but stick to warm showers instead.
  • Drink plenty of water!!- If you have read this blog for a while you will know that this is one of my golden rules. Keep your body hydrated and this will also help to keep your skin hydrated too

Hopefully those little hints and tips will help keep your skin in good shape this winter- ready for the beautiful sunshine that is very much needed this summer. 

Raw skincare- natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Monday, 27 January 2014

Monday Hair Inspiration // Raw Skincare

We have received some amazing love for our Argan Oil Hair Treatment, so as a Monday Treat (because no one wants to go back to work/ school) we thought we would give you some material to procrastinate too!

Beautiful Long Blond Hair
Gorgeous Long Blonde Hair

long blonde hair, which looks au natural. - Click image to find more hair posts
Subtle Ombre we are loving!

Brown Hair #capelli
Gorgeous curls

Tease (brush) bottom half, and add curls. I'm thinking about parting my hair in the middle again...
Oh Selena... Perf

Mermaid Hair! Oh my!

Wish I could see the back of this..
We Love Braids!!

Never even thought of this
Braids, Braids, Braids!

Double Waterfall Braid Hair Styles Elegant Cascade For Women Design 812x541 Pixel

We hope you enjoyed our little Monday's hair inspiration. Have a great day where ever you are. And don't forget to check out our Argan Oil to give your hair some gorgeous shine and replenishment.

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Friday, 24 January 2014

Food Of The Week- Nuts & Seeds // Raw Skincare

We thought it would be a great idea to give you weekly advice on what else you can do to help your skin look and feel great, other than our products.

Things start from the inside which is why we have introduced our Food of the week. This week we wanted to tell you how great nuts and seeds are for your skin and your health.

Nuts contain a lot of EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) which states in the name, they are essential. These are not something that your body can produce and therefore must be obtained by food. These are the "good" fats that your body needs. By having a large intake of EFA's it is believed that you will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol.*

EFA's found in foods such as nuts and seeds (Sunflower seeds, almonds etc) are fantastic for your skin because they help to reduce inflammation in the body. If you suffer with acne, this may help reduce the appearance of spots and redness.

So switch your bag of crisps or chocolate bar for some healthy Nuts & Seeds.


Thursday, 23 January 2014

Our Products- Body Butter // Raw Skincare

We have three wonderful body butters for you to chose from. all of which work specifically to different skin types!

Soothe & Smooth- Perfect for those with extra-sensitive skin. It doesn't contain Shea butter which some people (especially those with very sensitive skin) can react too. It also does not have a scent, again we did not want to add any essential oils to this product because of the reaction some people get (even to a very small amout). So if you have overly sensitve skin and are looking for a body butter that nourishes and moisturises without causing your skin to get angry and flare up, this is a definite must have!

Repair & Revive- As the name suggests, if your skin is in need of some tlc and needs to be awakened, this is a fantastic body butter for you! With beautifully scented Lavender and cypress essential oils, your skin will smell divine. Lavender is known to help regeneration of skin cells which is why we include it in this butter. This is your go too if your skin needs a lift!

Hydrasculpt-  For those who need extra hydration and toning look no further! Our gorgeous Frankincense oil is perfect for helping to tone the skin, and packed full of hydrating oils such as Apricot Kernel Oil and Coconut Oil, this should be a staple in your everyday skincare moisturising routine. 

All of our body butters (along with all of our other products) are completely handmade. These butters are the same consistency as butter, once you put it on your skin it will melt into a beautifully smooth oil that is easy to rub all over your body. 

Why not add a bit to your bath to give you an extra hydrating and soothing soak!

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Our Ingredients- Sweet Almond Oil // Raw Skincare

Sweet Almond Oil, also known as Prunus Dulcis, is one of our many wonderful ingredients. We use a cold-pressed oil to get a high quality of oil. If the almonds were to be put through a heated process a larger amount of oil can be obtained, however the heat can destroy some of the valuable qualities of this oil and we therefore chose to use cold-pressed oils for our products.

Almond oil contains a large number of different vitamins and is naturally high in Vitamin E which is fantastic for your skin. It is a very light oil and is particularly wonderful for application to the face as it will not block pores. 

We use Sweet Almond Oil in our Lip Balms and Skin Serum.

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Natural Dry Shampoo // Raw Skincare

Seeing as this week's offer is our aerosol free dry shampoo, we thought it would be a good idea to tell you a little bit more about it.

As I am sure you are aware, aerosols are believed to contribute towards the current climate issue of global warming. We therefore did not want to create a product that was going to damage our already fragile planet. We therefore created a dry shampoo that not only works well as a dry shampoo, but that has eco friendly packaging.

So what is the purpose of dry shampoo? The obvious answer to this is to clean your hair right! But why not just wash it in the shower, other than time saving benefits of using dry shampoo? When you wash your hair you are stripping your scalp and hair of its natural oils which are used to protect and hydrate your hair. When you strip your hair and scalp of these oils, your body goes into overdrive to produce more, causing your hair to become oily a lot quicker- causing you to have to wash your hair- and this is when the cycle starts all over again.

By using a dry shampoo which absorbs excess oil and dirt which is then brushed out, you aren't stripping away the oil that is needed, which will help stop your hair from becoming so oily so quickly.

So next time you go to grab the shampoo and wash away the oil, try using a dry shampoo and see how it works for you!

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Monday, 20 January 2014

January Sale- Week 3 // Raw Skincare

Don't miss out on this week's sale item!!

Buy One Get One Free On ALL Dry Shampoo's.

Buy a Dry Shampoo bottle this week and get another completely free, why not share the love and give a bottle to your friend.

Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Organic Argan Oil Hair Treatment // Raw Skincare

We were late to the Argan oil party but we are here and ready to make our mark!

Argan oil has been deemed a "miracle oil" by many in the industry and for good reason too. It is a fantastic oil that has some amazing properties. 

Our 100% pure Argan Oil- Nothing else but Organic Argan Oil in this little bottle!! The Ultimate Treatment.

We decided to release this product when saw for our selves the affect it had on our own hair, we weren't prepared to just follow the hype of the market and really wanted to give it some time to work and do its magic- it definitely didn't disappoint. 

So why is Argan Oil so good for your hair?
  • Argan oil is able to penetrate the pores on the hair follicles and shaft which helps enhance the hairs elasticity. This also helps to nourish the hair.
  • Full of anti-oxidants, it is able to strengthen weakened and damaged hair.
  • Rich in Omega fatty acids it is great for damaged and brittle hair.
Don't forget, our Argan oil is JUST Argan oil. There is no other ingredients at all in the bottles we sell. Make sure if you are looking for an Argan oil hair treatment you check the ingredients- if it is listed with other ingredients too, it won't be pure. If it isn't first in the list- the amount of actual argan oil in the bottle can be tiny! 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

H2-Ohhhh // Raw Skincare

Drinking water- some people enjoy it, some people hate it, because of this we thought we would put together a few nifty idea's for you to get in your daily dose of H2O and give you a little bit of knowledge on why you should accept having to pee a million times a day!

When we first started drinking more water at Raw, to see the effect it would have to our skin, our hair and our moods, it was a fight for the loo. Seriously, I must personally have the worlds smallest bladder- I could go about a million times in a day! *slight exaggeration* but I honestly was not expecting to have to go as much as I did. But the difference was huge! I had headaches all the time, most of the time I had put it down to stress, or the computer screen or not enough sleep. That was when I was drinking maybe a small glass of water a day! That is not an exaggeration either. But now, I feel so much more awake, hydrated and I get a lot more exercise having to walk to the toilet twice an hour.

However, the need to pee all the time eventually settled down, it was as if my body was suddenly used to all this extra water and had finally decided what to do with it. My body must have been in complete shock and not known what to do other than climb in their respective cell size lifeboats and hope the flood would stop, *metaphorically of course*.

A great way to drink at a good pace, so you don't overload your body, leaving your feeling bloated.

So why does drinking water help your skin?
Your body needs water to function and operate. FACT. You are made up, mostly of water. SO, by keeping yourself thoroughly hydrated, your body will be able to repair its self faster, remove toxins from your body quicker, and look and feel better.

Of course, this is something you need to do regularly! It won't make a difference over night. Increase your water consumption and see how much better your skin looks and feels after a month. We are sure you will notice a difference!

Raw skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What Is Skin? // Raw Skincare

The largest organ we have is the skin- so why would you not treat it with the respect and love you do (we hope*) of all your other organs- we exercise to keep our heart and lungs happy, we eat well (most of the time, right!?*) to keep our liver and stomach happy and we drink plenty of water (don't you!*) to keep our kidneys working effectively.
*Subject to mood, person, time of year, time of month & any other reasons you can think of. 

Say Hello To Your Skin

So although we may not do all of the things listed above it is certainly thought of very regularly. But do you think of your skin's health as often as your do your internal organs? If not, why!? It is very easy to forget about our skin, it is always visible, it protects us from the crazy weather that this planet is subject too- and we do take it for granted. 

So here are just a few of the things our skin does-
  • Alarm- Sensory recpetors tell your brain if you are too hot, too cold, are walking on something very sharp- It is your alarm to your environment and helps to protect you.
  • Armour- It protects you from bacteria, prevents water loss and protects your blood vessels, nerves, and other organs.
  • Thermometer- The skins receptors will be able to tell your brain if you are too hot or too cold and can help regulate temperature by either increasing blood flow to the surface of your skin to get rid of heat if you are too hot, or by constricting capillaries underneath the surface of your skin if you are too cold and need more heat to go to your organs
  • Vitamin D- formed inside your body but has to be activated by your skin which needs to be exposed too UV light from the sun (Please be cautious in sun and use suitable protection when needed)
These are just a few of the amazing things your skin can do, treat it with care and love and make sure you nourish and protect it like you (hopefully) do any other organ.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Our ingredient Frankincense // Raw Skincare

Say hello to Frankincense. One of our lovely ingredients we use in our skincare.

This ingredient, like all of our ingredients has been chosen because of its wonderful properties that help in skincare. It has a woody/spicy aroma that it very pleasant and is yellow-green colour, it is extracted by steam distillation from Oleo gum resin. 

Oleo Gum Resin

So why do we use frankincense in our products?
Frankincense oil is said to help rejuvenate and tone the skin, perking it up to help it look and feel brighter and more awake. This is why we choose to use it in our Hydrasculpt body butter. We do not believe in the term "anit-aging" we feel it is a privilege to grow old. However if you want to slow the appearance of ageing (which unfortunately is inevitable) this body butter is a fantastic way to help perk up your skin while delivering the hydration and nutrients your skin needs.

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Monday, 13 January 2014

January Sale Week 2 // Raw Skincare

This January we have introduced a new sales concept! Every week we are offering a different promotion that you definitely don't want to miss. 

So if you love natural skincare as much as we do then this is a great offer for you!

Get a free lip balm with every order!!
This week we are offering a free lip balm with every order! We will randomly select one of our three lip balms to send to you with every purchase! There is no minimum spend required- buy one lip balm at just £1.98-£2.98 and get another one completely free. Or if you fancy any of our other products, make your choice and you will get a lip balm added to your order!!

The lip balms are 100% natural, we don't have add any chemicals to these products what so ever, so what is stopping you?

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Be Happy In Your Own Skin // Raw Skincare

We know how tough it is to live up to the expectations of the beauty industry- we are part of that industry. So we want to take a minute to tell you how beautiful you are, every lump & bump, every scar, the bits you hate about your self- we love. 

Every body is different, there is not one person on this planet who is what the beauty industry deems as "perfect"- everyone has something they are unhappy with, or something that someone else does not like, but that is what makes us as unique. 

It is time that we all start loving ourselves, loving what we are and who we are. There is no harm in trying to improve yourself change yourself (you don't need improving). As long as your are happy with who you are that is all that matters. If you aren't happy with who you are, it's time to change that image of yourself. Tell yourself you are beautiful, that you are worth it and most of all tell others too! 

Everyone has their own journey, their own story and their own battles. Make someone's day and tell them how nice they look, how happy they make you or that you love them to the moon and back. Small steps will mean a big distance covered in the future, and the bigger steps we take to improving the industry's perfection of what beauty really is, the quicker we will get to that goal! 

Beauty is you. 

Please share this with someone who is struggling to believe that they are beautiful & tell them how beautiful they really are!

Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Raw Skincare Lip Balm // Hint Of Mint

Most women I know will own a number of lip balms that occupy space at home, work and handbags- and why wouldn't you? 

With the cold months of winter still waging a war against our skin, your lips are just as vulnerable. We have developed a 100% Natural lip balm that will not only soothe sore dry lips but also help protect you from the harshness of winter. Our Hint of Mint lip balm with gorgeous cocoa butter & coconut oil will moisturise your lips as well as provide you with a protective barrier that will prevent any further damage from the environment.

Our lip balms do not contain any petroleum Jelly which purely coats your lips and does not provide any moisture that your lips need. They are also completely safe to eat- by putting anything on your lips there is a high chance of ingestion. This does not mean to say we recommend them as a healthy snack but they certainly won't do you any harm if you do happen to lick your lips occasionally!

Our Hint of Mint will not only cool and soothe your lips but will also tingle when you put it on, this is thanks to the gorgeous natural peppermint oil we have added. 

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that won't cost you the earth! 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Raw Concentrate Skin Serum- Application & Use

Raw Concentrate skin serum is one of our most popular products. It is suitable for all skin types and is great for facial as well as body application.

So we thought we would answer some of the most common questions asked to help you guys find your perfect Skin Serum routine. 

When should I use Raw Concentrate?
Raw Concentrate is fantastic as an everyday facial moisturiser apply a couple of drops (you really don't need any more for everyday use) and gently massage into your skin in an upwards motion until it has been absorbed. If you are planning on using this product before make-up application make sure you allow around 30minutes for the serum to be fully absorbed into your skin. If you don't think you have time for this, why not try massaging it on after jumping out of the shower- whilst you dry your hair and get dressed it will allow the serum to have time to work its magic before you do your make-up.

Can I use Raw Concentrate as a night Serum?
We find that using a few extra drops of serum just before bed time is great- you should wake up and notice how soft your skin feels in the morning. However we would recommend that you do this as an extra form of pampering and not as an every night routine. When you sleep, your body recharges and repairs its self. By using a night cream or serum every night you will begin to inhibit your bodies natural function of repair as it won't need to help you provide the moisture that your skin naturally needs. After a while your body will stop this function as it will deem it unnecessary- therefore we would recommend not using a night creme or serum on a regular basis, just when your body could do with a little helping hand.  

How should I apply Raw Concentrate? 
Apply a couple of drops to clean hands and rub together until warm. Then gently apply to your skin starting from your neck upwards, in small circular motions. This will help increase circulation to the skin as well as ensuring the serum is gently absorbed.

Can I use Raw Concentrate on my body too?
Raw Concentrate is a fantastic moisturiser and can be used all over your body. Apply a couple of drops to the area you wish to apply the product too and massage in to your skin in small circular motions. 

A little really goes a long way with this product- it is easily absorbed and smells great. A little gem in your skincare routine. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Post Party Season Skin Saviour!!

If you haven't over indulged on excessive amounts of food, alcohol and sugar this holiday season we would all like to know how you managed!?

If however, like us at Raw Skincare, you have eaten may too much chocolate, consumed a few too many cocktails and the calories consumed are past counting, your skin may be paying the price! Now it is widely debated whether food has an effect on the condition of your skin, however, personally I can tell when I have had a few too many bad eats, as do a large number of people I know. So we have devised a list of skincare commandments to get your skin back on track, ready to face the new year!

1. Eat plenty of healthy fats- When we say eat plenty of healthy fats we are talking about natural fats such as nuts, avocados, coconuts... and so on. Natural fats play a vital role in keeping your body looking and feeling healthy.

2.  Oh Sugar- If you are going to eat sugar, make sure it is from a natural course such as berries & don't eat too much of that either, sugars can cause inflammation and this is apparent in your skin too. 

3. Drink Water- By drinking plenty of water it will help to flush out your system of toxins and help you to keep nicely hydrated. Your body needs water to function properly!

4. Go Grain- Cut down if not completely cut out anything "white" from your diet. This includes items such as pasta, bread, cake, cereal and so on. These are all processed and likely to be full of sugars. Switch to wholegrain and ensure it comes from the earth & hasn't been pulverised and moulded into something which resembles food.

5. Can it fly or swim?- If it can then its great to eat! Fish & poultry are fantastic sources of protein (if you eat them) but red meat such as cows can again cause inflammation. If it is a meat that you do enjoy, choose organic meat- it is more likely you will be eating meat that contains a lot less hormones that can affect your acne. 

6. Don't use harsh foaming agents to scrub your skin of its breakout!! If over indulgence has left you broken out be careful how you cleanse. By removing all the excess oil from your skin, your skin will produce more. Use a natural oil to cleanse your skin instead! Oil will not cause you to break out unless you use chemically manufactured oils such as mineral oil. 

7. Don't exfoliate daily- Exfoliation is designed to rid your skin of old, dead skin cells leaving behind lovely refreshed new ones! Your skin takes more than a day to produce a new layer of skin, by exfoliating too often you will leave your skin looking red, sore and inflammed. 

8. Don't use tooth paste or nappy cream!- Seriously! These will be no good for your skin, they may bring down inflammation around your spot but will still leave your spots standing tall- the thought that you could dry out a spot is also incorrect- a spot is not made up of water and will therefore not "dry out".

9. Don't pick- Picking your spots can be very tempting, but unless it is a white head which can be removed (through the correct technique only) do not try and pick them- it will leave your skin red, inflamed and you may end up with scarring too.

10-  Remove all make-up- This might sounds very obvious, but don't forget to remove your make-up thoroughly. Leaving excess make-up on over night may end up clogging pores which can lead to spots. 

We hope this brief guide has given you some insight into how to get your skin back on track this new year. Let us know what you find helps your skin when you have a break out! 

Monday, 6 January 2014

Our Ingredients- Lavender Essential Oil

Every ingredient we use has been chosen for its fantastic botanical and skin loving properties. Lavender is no exception.
Lavender flowers

Lavender essential oil is made by distilling the lavender flowers of certain species to produce a clear, water insoluble oil which is what we use to produce our products

It is widely used for its soothing and calming effects to both skin and mind- perfect for those of you who might be in need of TLC and relaxation. Lavender essential oil is a very versatile oil with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and relaxing properties which all help to make lavender oil one of our favourite ingredients to use as it is believed to aid in regeneration and rejuvenation of skin cells.

Because of the amazing properties in Lavender oil we have made sure they are in a selection of our products including Raw Concentrate Skin Serum & Repair & Revive Body Butter. So if you need a bit of TLC or some calming skin treats- look no further than these beauties.