*Subject to mood, person, time of year, time of month & any other reasons you can think of.
Say Hello To Your Skin
So although we may not do all of the things listed above it is certainly thought of very regularly. But do you think of your skin's health as often as your do your internal organs? If not, why!? It is very easy to forget about our skin, it is always visible, it protects us from the crazy weather that this planet is subject too- and we do take it for granted.
So here are just a few of the things our skin does-
- Alarm- Sensory recpetors tell your brain if you are too hot, too cold, are walking on something very sharp- It is your alarm to your environment and helps to protect you.
- Armour- It protects you from bacteria, prevents water loss and protects your blood vessels, nerves, and other organs.
- Thermometer- The skins receptors will be able to tell your brain if you are too hot or too cold and can help regulate temperature by either increasing blood flow to the surface of your skin to get rid of heat if you are too hot, or by constricting capillaries underneath the surface of your skin if you are too cold and need more heat to go to your organs
- Vitamin D- formed inside your body but has to be activated by your skin which needs to be exposed too UV light from the sun (Please be cautious in sun and use suitable protection when needed)
These are just a few of the amazing things your skin can do, treat it with care and love and make sure you nourish and protect it like you (hopefully) do any other organ.
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