Raw Skincare Links

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Hi Guys,

So we have been super busy at Raw Towers over the past few months and have seriously neglected our poor little blog so we do apologise! However, onwards and upwards as they say (Not sure who they are but hey). 

So we will now be posting a new blog every Tuesday and Thursday on all things skincare related. So if you have any thing you would like us to cover please don't hesitate to get in touch! 

Today's subject is Exfoliation! 

So what is exfoliation and what is its purpose? 
Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the top layer of your skin (sounds gross right?) By exfoliating you are aiding the unblocking of pores, keeping your skin healthy and clean & helps to prevent acne break out.

What do I use to exfoliate?
There are lots of different ways you can exfoliate, it is about finding a way that works for you. Below are some of the different tools you can buy that can be used for exfoliating.


 Loofah Sponge 

                    Sugar Scrub                        

These are all really easy to use exfoliators. Every person's skin reacts differently so find one that best suits you, doesn't dry your skin out too much, and leaves your skin looking healthy and glowing, not red and sore.

How often should I exfoliate?
Exfoliating is not a daily thing! It is something you should do once to twice a week, again this depends on your skin type!

So I hope all these tips on exfoliating have helped! If you have any other questions please feel free to leave a comment and we will get back to you as soon as we can!