Raw Skincare Links

Friday 20 December 2013

Oil & Skincare

Over the psst decade, possibly more, "oil-free skincare" advertisement has been all over our tv screens, magazines  and radio stations. It is usually in products that are made specifically for those with oily skin- because who wants to add extra oil to their skin if they have oily skin right? Wrong. 

Oil and your skin love each other, very, very much! By using products that are drying (and remove your natural oil) your body will work extra hard to produce more to help keep your skin moisturised. Now obviously no one wants oily skin, so how do you get rid of the oil without producing more oil? Add oil!! It's sounds all confusing and sounds like a down right lie, but it's not. One of the basic rules in chemistry is that like dissolves like. You wouldn't use water to dissolve oil or vice versa, but you would use water to dissolve water, and oil for oil. The same principal applies to you skin, if you use oil on your skin, it will help remove excess oil by dissolving/ emulsifying it. 

Many people have become scared of using facial oils because of the idea that you shouldn't use oil on oily skin, but oils are actually wonderful for your skin and your skin will love you for using it. The amount of excess sebum you produce will eventually decrease and you will be left with much less oily and shiny skin.

Why not try out our 100% natural skin serum, packed full of skin loving oils that will help to nourish and protect your skin! 

Raw Skincare- Natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Monday 16 December 2013

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts.

When thinking about coconuts I instantly imagine myself laying on a beach in some exotic country with a scrumptious pinacolada in hand. The smell & taste is one of my favourites! Most people when thinking of coconut probably don't imagine themselves rubbing it all over their bodies! Please let me know if this actually you!

Coconuts not only provide us with fantastic foods and beverages, but they also provide us with a gorgeous oil. Not only does this oil smell amazing, it also has some of the most amazing skincare properties that will leave your skin feeling super soft and hydrated. 

Coconut oil is a solid oil at room temperature but melts on contact with skin

We use coconut oil in a large proportion of our skincare including our body butters, skin serum and lip balms. It provides amazing nourishment and moisturisation leaving your skin feeling soft, supple and smooth. Which is why it is apparent in a large number of products that we produce.

Coconut oil is not only a fantastic natural skincare ingredient for providing soft gorgeous skin, it also has a natural SPF which is always a bonus! 

Raw Skincare- natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth


Would You Eat Your Skincare?

When deciding what you are going to eat, or what you are going to feed to your children and family, it is probably fair to say that you consider your dietary requirements. You want to ensure it is tasty & filling but is also healthy and nutritious for you as well right? Well that is exactly what you should be doing with your skincare too! 

It is believed that upto 70% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream! We are yet to find a scientific study that backs this claim up 100% but it is a daunting prospect none the less. If indeed our skincare is absorbed into our blood stream, this means it visits your organs and is filtered through your liver and anything nasty or unwanted is then filtered out in your pee! Wonderful. So choosing skincare should be as simple as choosing what to eat! If you wouldn't eat your skincare, why would you put it on your skin?

You want your skincare to smell great and feel lovely when you put it on, just like you want you dinner to smell and taste great. But you also want it to nourish your skin, protect it and make it look wonderful. Just like eating a healthy wholesome meal! Would you purposefully feed your body chemicals that you can't even pronounce if you knew it was in your food? Or allow known carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) to pass your mouth everyday? If the answer is no, the spa swear should also be the same when it comes to your skincare.

So now I have made you all feel hungry, thinking about tonight's yummy roast, or scrumptious pasta dish or what ever you will be eating, take a minute to check your skincare supply ingredients list and see what you are really feeding your body every day! 

Raw Skincare- natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth

Our Ingredients- Shea Butter

Each Ingredient we select to go into to any of our products has to be a super ingredient. It has to have some proven reason as to why we think it is great for your skin. As we supply 100% natural skincare, we do not genetically modify our ingredients to out perform their natural counterpart, we do not use ingredients that have beenextracted, then processed, then extracted again and magically turned into something that is as far from its original state as possible. That is why we are very selective over what we do and do not include in our products.

So how did Shea butter get in to our ingredients super list I hear you ask? 

Shea Butter is extracted from the nut of the Karite Tree. It is a natural fat that is rich in Vitamin A which is used widely in the cosmetic industry in anti-aging products, as it aids the skin in maintaining a youthful and healthy look. It also contains oleic acid which is a fatty acid, which provides moisturisation to the skin. It also contains compounds which act as a natural UVB ray protection. 
Raw, Unrefined Shea Butter

We use Shea butter in a number of our products including our Hydrasculpt body butter, Repair & Revive Body butter, Rescue Me lip balm and more!

Check out our website at www.raw-skincare.co.uk to see our whole range of natural skincare. 

Raw Skincare- natural skincare that doesn't cost the earth